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Top 1 Gas Station & Cheap Fuel Prices in Newberry, FL

Kangaroo Express

Circle K 

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45 SW 250TH ST
Newberry, FL
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stgbotmem808's avatar image
Sep 13 2022
Bad Review Icon

The manager is so nice and kind. Ive noticed that they dont have many employees now and it causes long lines due to only having one cashier, especially at the most busy times of day. a brand new employee by themselves during extreme peak hours and the customers get really, really angry and expel their dissatisfaction while in line so by the time they get to the register the customers are really negative and unkind to the cashier. Ive experienced being in line for 15 minutes and I get to the register and the cashier goes o er to the grill and puts hot dogs or whatever on the grill, meanwhile there is a line all the way to the back of the store and around. Store is very unclean. Dust everywhere, floors are absolutely filth, and parking lot smells like vomit. I stopped going in this particular store when the newer gas station opened a few years ago. They do have some better deals on items than the other gas station but I will not go in this particular store unless I absolutely ha

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