Feat prices. Great service. Coffee always brewing.
Excellent food options with both a Subway and a Dunkin Donuts on site. Does not have a permanent sign for gas prices. Virtually impossible to see the temporary signage from the street! Has been this way for over two years!
good rewards program
Better prices than the BP across the street
Busy corner.
Actual gas pumps are terrible and poorly maintained; all too frequently I've visited this station when multiple pumps are either out of order or the credit card readers at the pump don't work. If the temperature falls below 20 degrees for any length of time the pumps slow down to a useless state and management blames the problem on the weather conditions, however other stations in he area don't have he same issue. Staff is rude and unhelpful.
friendly staff
I waited 20 minutes for the worker to get back from Jewel cause she decided to leave the gas station unattended while she went to grab herself snacks.
Used to be priced lower than BP (across street). Greed has set in and they are now matching BP.