Busy station
Not much room in the parking lot. Hard to get around
Restroom.. use only as a last option
Friendly staff. Decent food selection. Apple Pay for registers. Not for gas. I went to another station to buy $150 in gas. Customer suggestion.... accept Apple Pay at the pump.
subway Inside
gas caused my vehicle to stall. has water in gas. do not use it will damage your vehicle
No amenities found.
This station is a "Pay at the pump" and car wash only, no service station. However you can go inside where they have a nice little bar/sitting area to charge ur devices, a vending machine, free self-serve coffee and a wall of windows to watch the cars go through the car wash. Very nice and clean! My favorite park about this car wash is that they have a floor mat cleaner that really does an awesome job, which is free with the monthly car wash! And so far the best car wash I have had, I especially like the fact that 2 people manually wash ur car before going into the car wash! And the gas is usually a little cheaper than others in the area! Way to go!